A success story – hagebau BZN store in Osterholz-Scharmbeck sets new standards with peiECO

peiECO-Communication solution

In recent years, the hagebau BZN store in Osterholz-Scharmbeck has not only expanded its product range, but has also undergone remarkable technological progress. Two years ago, radio devices were introduced for internal communication, but the implementation of our innovative peiECO communication solution fundamentally revolutionised the shopping experience and processes in the store.

The peiECO solution consists of a central peiBOX and peiPRESS (customer buttons), which enables efficient communication between customers and employees. This intelligent solution is extremely flexible and customisable, which means it can be used in a variety of departments, including building elements, wood cutting and plumbing. In the building elements department, for example, peiECO improves communication between employees and speeds up the processing of customer enquiries. Automatic messages from sensors and machines inform your employees immediately about faults, which helps to increase efficiency in various departments in the store.

The introduction of our peiECO technology in October 2022 not only optimised internal communication at the hagebau BZN store in Osterholz-Scharmbeck, but also raised the shopping experience for customers to a new level. As a pioneer among 20 locations in the north, the success in Osterholz-Scharmbeck has already aroused the interest of other stores that would like to follow this example. The store is determined to continue on this path and set new standards in the industry by continuing to shape the future of technology.


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+49 541 409576-65

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