We see ourselves as a service-oriented solution provider. We’re only happy when you are!
We know that services are much more than a one-off proposition. They start right from the initial interview, are important in the possible probationary or rollout periods, and are even absolutely vital to day-to-day business. We have positioned ourselves based on these requirements and provide you with comprehensive support. We will be pleased to give you a brief overview of some of our services.
Roll-out concept
“Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
This quote from the former American president sums up how essential good planning is. When it comes to planning, we keep our eyes on the Magic Triangle for you: Time, cost, and quality.
We guarantee that a roll-out will be completed quickly. Shipping high volumes to different locations is our core competence. We always stay focused on the cost-benefit ratio and the timeline. What is even more important to us is the quality of the overall project consisting of the services and equipment offered. Our customers describe us as a high quality supplier with a fair price/performance ratio.
Training concept
Our services portfolio includes training for a large number of employees. We develop training concepts to suit your project. For major customers in particular, rolling out a new technology requires a large number of employees to be trained within a few days.
Here, we are happy to follow your lead: On-site or webinar training is possible. We also successfully work with train-the-trainer approaches or individually created training videos.
“Why should I use your training concept?” is a question that our employees hear every now and again.
The answer is simple: If employees have not been trained to use a technology, the advantages of our solutions go unrecognized and cannot be optimally utilized, which in turn reduces employee acceptance of the new technology. For this reason, our work is entirely geared to your ideas and we adapt it to suit the situation.
Product developments
Our innovative strength is what pushes us forward every day. We can draw on our own R&D departments within the Peiker family of companies. This gives us the opportunity to meet your individual requirements, even at short notice.
Additionally, we utilize our global supplier and partner network, which consists of innovative business partners.
We are happy to leverage our resources to find the right solution for you.
This is what our customers say
Give us a call or send us an email. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
+49 541 409576-0